servicio Description

Translation and interpreting service

At times, many of our partners need our help in translating their various English or Chinese projects into Spanish. A correct translation by native speakers will always offer more appropriate vocabulary and an interpretation that corresponds to the words and phrases correctly used in Spain, something that generates confidence among Spanish users or clients. Several partners from China rely on us for a proper translation of their projects into Spanish.

How can we help you?

Translation of web pages or e-commerce

If you have a website or e-commerce platform in Chinese or English, we can translate it into "European" Spanish, leaving the backend in the original language so you can continue managing it in your language, while the visible part for the user is in Spanish. Additionally, as you can see in our E-commerce or Marketplace Management service, we also offer you the possibility of creating the store from scratch with a .com or .es domain and managing it.

Translation of product descriptions

One of the factors that can generate distrust in a potential customer is if the product description has grammatical errors or phrases that do not make sense in Spanish. Unfortunately, this happens frequently since translators are often used who do not know how to correctly interpret the sentence. We can translate and review your product descriptions to avoid this problem and generate trust in your customers.

Translation of manuals

One way to retain our customers and generate confidence in the product and brand is that when they have to consult the product manual, it is clear and concise. We help you translate your user manuals so that your customers are calm and trust your after-sales service.

Translation of legal documents

Our partners come to us for the management and translation of legal documents, company registration, KYC, requests, supplier registrations, or in marketplaces. All legal documentation is crucial to complete and confirm without errors, as a misinterpretation can result in loss of time and money.

Interpreter assistance for conferences or meetings

We have a native Chinese interpreter who can act as a translator in perfect Spanish in case any of our partners need it for their management, conferences, or meetings in Spain.

We want to be your local partner

Tell us how we can help you